Archive for July, 2009

How to ruin a perfectly good picnic…

Posted in Everyday Annoyances, Good Times with tags , , , , on July 20, 2009 by duojet24

It’s our second day in Seattle, and we got to experience the thunderous roar of NHRA Top Fuel drag racing.

Corey came up with a great idea — let’s head to a local park and fire up the grill and grill us up some steaks. We were hungry, and I hear the parks here in Seattle are gorgeous. Let’s do it!!!

We stop by the Fred Meyer to pick up a few last-minute items. Cool, now it’s time to head to the park.

First park — no parking, can’t find the grills, and just lots of people. That’s cool, let’s move on to the next one. We come to East Park. Perfect, one parking stall, a pavilion and a grill! We unload our gear and Corey fires up the grill.

That’s when our friend “Cracker Jack” saunters up toward the pavilion we happened to be in. The man has a can of Bailey’s and a bottle of “Cola”. He’s not homeless, he’s not violent, and he’s rather well-dressed and clean-cut. The only problem — he’s drunk. He had shown too much of an interest in the girls. First duty for Corey and myself, make sure nothing happens to them. After a bunch of nonsensical back-and-forths, he finally gets a phone call that gets him off my back, for now.

During his phone conversation, he starts saying things that make me feel extremely uncomfortable like “Man, these folks are barbecuing and making me all hungry!” and the kicker “Oh man, you’re where? Oh yeah, that’s close enough.” Now, he may have been talking about something completely different, but that’s enough to make me want to leave. So now we’re sitting in Corey’s driveway, getting ready to have those steaks he started cooking in the park. Corey just hung up a dart board he’s been meaning to hang up, and I’m about to head over there for a game. Now that’s a prime example of turning a negative into a positive!

Just thought I’d share our adventure with you! Hope to be back on here with more tales. Till then — ta!